Help Care for Rescued Animals in Cambodia
At Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Center, Wildlife Alliance ensures that animals rescued from the illegal wildlife trade receive proper care for recovery and hopefully release. The illegal wildlife trade is having devastating effects on wildlife in the region, and populations of many threatened species, including tigers, Asian elephants and pangolins are declining sharply due to their high commercial value in the illegal wildlife trade.
What is the issue, problem, or challenge?
Chhouk was just a baby when he lost part of a leg to a poacher's snare. He was so scared and agitated that our staff stayed with him in the forest for weeks before transporting him to PTWRC. He recovered, but the snare had done irreversible damage. Dedicated staff found a local nonprofit willing to create prosthesis for the growing elephant. The process has been wildly successful. Today, Chhouk is happy, healthy, and thriving and is recognized as an ambassador for threatened Asian elephants.

How will this project solve this problem?
Wildlife Alliance ensures that rescued animals receive proper medical attention and quality care upon arrival at this 6,000 acre Rescue Center. No animal is ever turned away, including those that need long-term care and protection. Our animals thrive on a natural diet, world class veterinary care, and the knowledge and support of expert staff who have designed a rehabilitation program so that some of the animals may one day be released back into the wild.
Potential Long Term Impact
This project will improve the overall well-being of Cambodia's wildlife through rescue, rehabilitation, and release into the wild and increase awareness within Cambodia. The Center houses over 1,200 animals from 102 species including endangered Asian elephants, tigers, gibbons, Siamese crocodiles, sun bears, among many others. All the animals living at PTWRC have been rescued from the illegal wildlife trade or are victims of habitat loss, and sadly wouldn't be alive without our intervention.