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We hand-picked this set of webinars for IT pros like you. They’re all run by IT security experts and designed to help you strengthen your data protection policies, maximise the ROI of your cybersecurity tools and ultimately protect your business-critical data.

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SIEMple Tests to Assess Any SIEM Solution
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Minimise the Security Risks Posed by Third Parties
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5 Critical Reports You’ll Want to Show to Executives
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SIEMple Tests to Assess Any SIEM Solution

Whether you’re already using a SIEM solution or still evaluating your options, check out this session to discover the key questions to ask SIEM vendors in order to gather as many data points about their products and services as possible. On top of that, we’ll walk you through a few tests you can run to determine whether a particular SIEM solution actually provides valuable alerts and is worth the investment.

Watch this session to learn how to:

  • Check whether your SIEM can detect basic network attacks
  • Emulate attacker behaviour on your network (without doing any harm)
  • Evaluate potential SIEM solutions with an "apples to apples" comparison of their features

Bonus: You’ll find out how to maximise the value of your SIEM with Netwrix products.

Webinar Presenters

Brian Johnson avatar
Brian Johnson
Security enthusiast / Podcaster

Brian is the president of an information security consultancy. He spends most of his days helping companies defend their networks. By night, he's a hopeful musician. Brian runs a blog/podcast called 7 Minute Security, where he regurgitates what he's learning about information security into short, 7-minute chunks. 

Dave Matthews avatar
Dave Matthews
Solutions Engineer

Dave has a proven track record of delivering high value data-centric projects specialising in security, governance and compliance solutions.


Minimise the Security Risks Posed by Third Parties

All too often, organisations treat contractors, suppliers and partners as if they were full-fledged employees, giving them regular end-user credentials. While you might place a lot of trust in these third parties, it’s wise to take extra precautions when providing credentials to people from outside your organisation.

In this webinar, we discuss:

  • The risks inherent in granting user credentials to third parties, with real-world examples
  • Policies and controls that you can use to protect your accounts
  • Protections you can apply to accounts in cloud environments, such as Office 365
  • How to be notified any time a partner does something outside of their scope of activity

Webinar Presenters

Liam Cleary avatar
Liam Cleary
Microsoft MVP and MCT

Liam started as a trainer but realized that programming, breaking and hacking was a lot more fun. After spending time in infrastructure and security services, he moved into consultancy, focusing on collaboration technologies. He is a Microsoft MVP and can be found presenting at many conferences, as well as teaching his kids how to code, program their Raspberry PI, hack the planet or build Lego robots.

Dave Matthews avatar
Dave Matthews
Solutions Engineer

Dave has a proven track record of delivering high value data-centric projects specialising in security, governance and compliance solutions.


5 Critical Reports You’ll Want to Show to Executives

Your life would be so much easier if only you had a simple way to make executives appreciate all that you do for IT security in your organisation. Good news — we have exactly what you need! Join this webinar and learn how to justify your data security investments.

Learn how to demonstrate that:

  • Your company’s business-critical data is secured.
  • IT security risks are continuously detected and dealt with.
  • The least-privilege principle is properly enforced.
  • And much more!

Webinar Presenter

Russell McDermott avatar
Russell McDermott
Solutions Engineer

Russell has over 10 years experience as an IT systems engineer supporting small to medium size businesses. Russell now helps organisations protect their IT infrastructures, deal with compliance audits and optimise routine procedures.


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