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Gartner Logo Stars Icon 4.5 (143 reviews) *
Identify Threats. Secure Data. Reduce Risk.
Which solution(s) are you interested in?
Data Security Posture Management Icon
Data Security Posture Management
Endpoint Data Loss Prevention Icon
Endpoint Data Loss Prevention
Active Directory Security Icon
Active Directory Security
Privileged Access Management Icon
Privileged Access Management
Identity Governance & Administration Icon
Identity Governance & Administration
Endpoint Management & Security Icon
Endpoint Management & Security
Password Management & Security Icon
Password Management & Security
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Trusted by 13,500+ organizations

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4.5 (143 reviews)*
Security is not a destination,
it’s a journey

How can you ensure that your organization is more secure tomorrow than it is today?

IT environments become more complex. Attacks increase in sophistication.
Your teams struggle with disparate tools to manage and secure everything.
Your chances of landing in the breach headlines are skyrocketing.


Risk Assessment

Discover and mitigate a wide variety of data and identity risks due to misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, and violations of policies, best practices, or desired states.

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Threat Detection & Response

Detect threats to your sensitive data and identities in real-time. Block unusual behavior and automate your incident response to lock down attacks.

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Policy Enforcement

Enforce policies across data, identity, and endpoint resources, including least privilege, permissions, application settings, passwords, removable device controls, and more.

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Rollback & Recovery

Roll back unwanted changes within Active Directory due to error or attack. Selectively roll back and recover object and attribute changes or restore entire domains with full-forest recovery.

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Manage access, policies, and identities to ensure the right users have access to the right resources at the right time. Reduce IT workload with automated workflows and self-service.

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Governance & Compliance

Continuously maintain compliance with HIPAA, GDPR, CJIS, FERPA, FISMA/NIST, GLBA, ISO/IEC 27001, and more. Provide auditors with detailed reports on your data and identity security measures.

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Integrate and interoperate with dozens of technologies across a variety of disciplines, including ITSM, PAM, SIEM, IGA, GRC, DLP, and more.

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Eliminate blind spots and overcome
complexity to mitigate the risk of a breach
more efficiently.

Protect the critical information you store — and the vehicles used to get to it — by
bridging the gaps between your various security silos. Secure your organization
across all the primary attack surfaces: data, identity and infrastructure.

Data Security
Data is what threat actors are after, so make sure you can secure it properly.
Identity Security
Identity is the new perimeter. Secure the identities of users and admins to protect your data and systems.
Infrastructure Security
Protect it all, from endpoints to servers, and from the data center to the cloud.
A successful journey depends on a good roadmap. Build a solid process to guide and measure your progress.
To achieve your security goals, you need a clear and effective strategy. Netwrix can help you with every phase of your security journey, and choosing integrated solutions will simplify the work while eliminating blind spots. The Netwrix portfolio addresses a complete range of cybersecurity functions:
Which data is sensitive?
Which accounts pose risk and why?
What gaps leave us vulnerable to threats?
How can we enforce least privilege?
How can we minimize the risk posed
by admin accounts?
How can we prevent dangerous changes?
Who is accessing sensitive data?
Is there any improper user activity?
Were all configuration changes approved?
Do I have to report a data breach?
How can we respond to threats faster?
How did an incident occur?
What data needs to be recovered?
How can we revert improper AD changes?
How could an incident have been blocked sooner or prevented altogether?
What is the risk level of my data and how has it changed?
Can we demonstrate sensitive data security and privacy compliance?
Can we ensure business continuity and comply with regulations and policies?

Get the comprehensive protection
you need

Today’s IT ecosystems are complex, but every element of the environment still needs to be secured and continuously monitored. That includes all the different types of data you store and process, the applications you use, and all your workstations, servers and network devices. Netwrix provides an integrated solution set that covers it all.

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Unstructured Data
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Structured Data
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See why over 13,000 organizations
worldwide rely on Netwrix

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Day Pitney secures proprietary and customer data and reduces its risk exposure
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Horizon Leisure Centres ensures GDPR compliance while saving £80,000 annually.

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Vodafone complies with PCI DSS and protects customer PII, saving countless hours annually.

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Eastern Carver County Schools maintains least privilege principle to secure data of 9,300 students.

Ready to get started?