Webinar Series

Hacker-Proofing Your Digital Realm:

Mastering Password Security and Beyond

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Welcome, Digitalrealmers, to our dynamic two-day webinar series, Hacker-Proofing Your Digital Realm: Mastering Password Security and Beyond. During the first day, Brian Johnson, an ethical hacker, will unveil authentic hacker tactics, including password spraying and DIY password-cracking setups.

On the second day, discover innovative solutions that enable you to bid farewell to weak passwords and implement robust yet hassle-free measures to secure your IT ecosystem.

In short, this webinar series offers an exclusive opportunity to revolutionise your approach to password security and stay ahead in the ever-evolving threat landscape.

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QWERTY Unleashed: Exploring Next-Gen Hacker Techniques for Passwords
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Code of Steel: Empower Your AD Security with a Resilient Password Policy
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QWERTY Unleashed: Exploring Next-Gen Hacker Techniques for Passwords

In this electrifying session, Brian Johnson, a master of the digital underworld, will pull back the curtain on the enigmatic world of real hackers, revealing their ingenious tricks, from the stealthy art of password spraying to the creation of DIY password-cracking contraptions.

But the stage is not set for hackers alone; on the front lines of defense, Netwrix Solution Engineer Brendan McNulty a will be your stalwart guardian. He'll rise to the challenge, working tirelessly to preempt, detect, and ultimately outsmart these cunning attacks with Netwrix Auditor and Netwrix Password Policy Enforcer.

Watch the session to:

  • Explore password spraying techniques, including wordlist creation with tools like Kali's Crunch and Rubeus for Active Directory attacks.
  • Discover alternative password sources such as dehashed with practical demonstrations against Active Directory.
  • Learn to build your password-cracking rig, create efficient wordlists using "duplicut," and use hashcat for cracking.
  • Get an introduction to Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery's user-friendly GUI and distributed job capabilities.
  • Learn how to detect password spraying attacks and establish a robust password policy for Active Directory without burdening users or IT teams.

Webinar Presenters

Brian Johnson avatar
Brian Johnson
Security enthusiast / Podcaster

Brian is the president of 7 Minute Security, an information security consultancy in the Minneapolis area. He spends most of his days helping companies defend their networks. Since 2004 Brian has also been running a blog/podcast called 7 Minute Security, where he regurgitates what he's learning about information security into short, 7-minute chunks.

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Brendan McNulty
Solutions Engineer

Brendan McNulty, a solutions engineer at Netwrix, has the deep technical expertise required to help organisations protect their sensitive data, secure their core IT systems and pass compliance audits. Brendan always takes the time to deeply investigate customer’s challenges and offer solutions tailored to their specific needs.

Code of Steel: Empower Your AD Security with a Resilient Password Policy

On the second day, we will focus on safeguarding passwords from hackers. Today, security and compliance demand a password policy with real strength. But let's face it, native tools often fall far short.

Enter the game-changers: Netwrix Password Policy Enforcer and Netwrix Password Secure. You’ll discover how these solutions deliver powerful password enforcement that is also remarkably hassle-free. Bid farewell to the headaches and welcome security that's as sturdy as a rock. Your Active Directory will express its gratitude!

Watch this session to learn how to:

  • Set up a robust password policy for AD that isn't a burden on either users or IT teams
  • Prohibit weak passwords by using and customising a dictionary and checking against the HIBP database of leaked passwords
  • Use predefined policy templates to simplify password compliance
  • Enforce the generation of policy-approved passwords
  • Ensure secure password sharing among employees

Webinar Presenters

Robert Piddocke avatar
Robert Piddocke
Solution Specialist – Passwords

Robert Piddocke is a seasoned professional specialising in software solutions that enhance business success while minimising costs and risks. With a strong technical background, he excels in guiding customers through the software purchasing cycle and specialises in IT management, cybersecurity, and data classification. Robert's expertise includes Password Management, IT Auditing, and Data Governance, making him a trusted advisor for businesses seeking efficient and secure technology solutions.

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