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Whether you love it or hate it, you can’t deny that PowerShell can make your everyday grind easier. Take our two-part online course to find out how to automate your daily tasks of managing Active Directory and Windows file servers using the scripts and cmdlets our experts provide.

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Most Useful PowerShell Cmdlets for Managing and Securing Active Directory
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4 Handy PowerShell Commands for Managing the File System
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Most Useful PowerShell Cmdlets for Managing and Securing Active Directory

Active Directory manages access to your organisation's critical business resources, so any breach of security or misconfiguration can prove catastrophic. The free GUI tools provided by Microsoft are good for performing one-off operations but aren't designed for bulk changes or queries. In this webinar, Russell Smith shows you how to use PowerShell to manage Active Directory and track configuration changes.

Watch this webinar and learn how to:

  • Manage AD without logging in to a domain controller
  • Install the Active Directory PowerShell module
  • Manage AD users, groups and OUs
  • Search the directory and track changes

Webinar Presenters

Russell Smith avatar
Russell Smith
IT consultant and author

Russell Smith specialises in the management and security of Microsoft-based IT systems. In addition to blogging about Windows and Active Directory for the Petri IT Knowledgebase, Russell has written a book on Windows security, co-authored one for Microsoft’s Official Academic Course (MOAC) series and has delivered several courses for Pluralsight.

Russell McDermott avatar
Russell McDermott
Solutions Engineer

Russell has over 10 years experience as an IT systems engineer supporting small to medium size businesses. Russell now helps organisations protect their IT infrastructures, deal with compliance audits and optimise routine procedures.

Email: Russell.Mcdermott@netwrix.com

4 Handy PowerShell Commands for Managing the File System

Despite the increasing popularity of cloud storage and SharePoint, Windows file servers still play an important role in the enterprise. Understanding who has access to data and keeping file servers secure isn't an easy task. In an era when regulatory compliance is a top concern for many organisations, controlling file server security is more critical than ever. 

You will walk away with a pocket full of scripts that will enable you to:

  • Modify permissions on files and folders
  • Get permissions on files and folders
  • Find folders with excessive permissions
  • Audit permissions changes

Webinar Presenters

Russell Smith avatar
Russell Smith
IT consultant and author

Russell Smith specialises in the management and security of Microsoft-based IT systems. In addition to blogging about Windows and Active Directory for the Petri IT Knowledgebase, Russell has written a book on Windows security, co-authored one for Microsoft’s Official Academic Course (MOAC) series and has delivered several courses for Pluralsight.

Russell McDermott avatar
Russell McDermott
Solutions Engineer

Russell has over 10 years experience as an IT systems engineer supporting small to medium size businesses. Russell now helps organisations protect their IT infrastructures, deal with compliance audits and optimise routine procedures.

Email: Russell.Mcdermott@netwrix.com

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