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Netwrix Password Expiration Notifier

Freeware tool that automatically reminds users to change their passwords before they expire so you can ensure IT security and reduce helpdesk workload.
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We care about security of your data. Privacy Policy
We no longer have users calling the helpdesk about expired network passwords. Netwrix Password Expiration Notifier has worked very well for our company.
Cathy Kane, Network Engineer,
Silverstone Group

Cut Down on Active Directory Password Expiration-Related Issues

Netwrix Password Expiration Notifier is a freeware tool that helps reduce the time spent on password management by automatically sending Active Directory password expiration notifications to users and their managers.
Warn users about password expiration
Sends timely email alerts to remind users to change their passwords in Active Directory before the password expiration dates.
Get scheduled reports
Automatically delivers summary reports on user account passwords that are about to expire right into your mailbox.
Minimize the risk of security breaches
Facilitates strong password policies to harden the security of your IT environment and ensure compliance.
Maximize helpdesk team productivity
Reduces the time spent on password-related support tickets so you can focus on more important tasks.
Improved Business Continuity
Proactively resolves password expiration issues to maximize user productivity and service uptime.
Get it free of charge
Doesn’t expire, so there’s no need to bother with licensing extensions or worry that it will suddenly stop working.

Strengthen Security with Active Directory Password Expiration Notifications

Setting a Group Policy that regulates the user password expiration period is a basic best practice for securing Active Directory. However, many users, especially remote users, either don’t get the default Windows pop-up messages that warn them about upcoming password expirations, or simply ignore them. As a result, they fail to change their passwords on time, and your help desk team has to constantly hustle to keep everyone productive.

Netwrix Password Expiration Notifier won’t leave your helpdesk admins buried in password-related tickets, so you can maintain a strong Password Expiration Group Policy. The free tool automatically sends users an email alert that specifies the number of days left before password expiration, and also notifies you about when each user account ‘s password and which user accounts will expire.

Get Advanced Password Expiration Notifications with Netwrix Auditor for Active Directory

Netwrix Password Expiration Notifier is free and never expires. However, the tool has limited functionality. For full functionality, try Netwrix Auditor for Active Directory, which can be evaluated for free and without any limitations for 20 days.

Password Expiration Notifier

Netwrix Auditor for AD

Feature Password Expiration
Netwrix Auditor for Active Directory
Alerting users about upcoming password expiration
Alerting managers of users about expiring passwords for their direct reports
Alerting and reporting on expiring accounts (in addition to expiring passwords)
Filtering by account name
Automatically runs in unattended mode on schedule to alert users and send reports
No changes in AD schema or system configuration are required
E-mail customization
User text message (SMS) notification
Monitoring of multiple domains and/or OUs
Filtering by AD organizational unit and by group
SMTP server authentication
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encrypted connection

Netwrix Auditor for Active Directory

Learn More
Download Free
20-day Trial
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We care about security of your data.
Privacy Policy
Since implementing the Password Expiration Notifier, our helpdesk has seen trouble tickets relating to passwords completely disappear. This product has been a lifesaver, not only to our IT staff, but to our remote users, by practically eliminating downtime.
Benjamin Powell, IT Services Engineer, Tandberg

System Requirements

The Netwrix tool for Active Directory password expiration notification is easy to deploy and doesn’t need to be installed on user desktops. Before you get started with the tool, make sure you meet these basic system requirements:
Operating System:
  • Windows XP SP3 or above
Other required components:
  • A supported web browser:
    Internet Explorer / Firefox / Safari / Opera / Google Chrome
  • .NET Framework 3.5
  • Windows Installer 3.1 or above
  • 512MB of RAM
  • 50MB of free disk space