Active Directory Security

[AD & Microsoft Entra ID: Better Together] Getting Maximum Value from Infrastructure Security Services

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The Microsoft cloud offers a wealth of benefits, from powerful enterprise applications and built-in high availability to predictable costs. But most organisations still need their on-premises IT environment as well. Fortunately, there are proven strategies for making your trusted Active Directory and your shiny new Azure AD tenant work together, enabling a seamless user experience and strong security.

In this webinar, Enterprise Mobility MVP Sander Berkouwer shares his expertise for making that happen. Watch this session to learn:

  • The benefits of using Active Directory and Microsoft Entra ID together
  • How to properly configure infrastructure security services, including Microsoft Entra ID Conditional Access, Multi-factor Authentication (MFA), Connect Health, Identity Protection, and Password Protection
  • How to track both on-prem AD logins and Microsoft Entra ID sign-ins in one dashboard
  • How to quickly detect and report on security changes in AD and Microsoft Entra ID
Russell McDermott avatar
Russell McDermott,
Solutions Engineer
Sander Berkouwer avatar
Sander Berkouwer,
Microsoft MVP and MCT