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Strengthen security while increasing IT productivity with group and user management software

The user accounts and groups in your Active Directory and Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) provide access to your sensitive data and systems. But trying to manage groups and users manually is a huge burden on your precious IT resources and often leads to errors that create security vulnerabilities. Learn how Netwrix GroupID streamlines user and group management to increase IT productivity and enhance security.

Automatically ensure accurate group memberships as user attributes change
Automate group management across directories by creating queries that determine group membership based on users’ current attributes.
Easily untangle the snarled mess of nested groups
Simplify the creation of group hierarchies and ensure that any change to the attributes of a parent group are automatically reflected in its child groups
Increase IT productivity with automated user provisioning and deprovisioning
Automatically provision and deprovision users using bulk data sync from an authoritative source like your HRIS
Reduce IT workload by delegating group management to business owners.
Use automated workflows to allow users to request the access they need and empower resources or group owners to approve or deny those requests. 
Streamline group and user management, and ensure compliance with attestation workflows
Require group owners and users to regularly validate their active status so you can keep your directory clean and minimize your attack surface.

Ensure a strong foundation for infrastructure and data security 

Netwrix GroupID automates and delegates group and user management to ensure your directories remain current, empowering you to enhance security while increasing IT productivity.

Learn how Netwrix GroupID technology helps you streamline group, user and password management.

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Effortlessly keep groups current 
Create queries that dynamically determine group membership based on users’ current attributes. In addition, ensure any attribute change to a parent group is automatically reflected in its child groups. 
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Automate user provisioning and deprovisioning 
Automatically provision and deprovision user accounts by syncing data from an authoritative source such as your HRIS platform. 
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Link groups & users across directories 
Sync changes to groups and users across identity stores in near real time — without any third-party connector. 
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Automate lifecycle enforcement 
Use attestation workflows to ensure users and groups are deprovisioned when they are no longer able to validate their active status in the directory. 
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Delegate password reset to users  
Improve user productivity and satisfaction while reducing helpdesk workload by enabling users to securely reset their own passwords. 
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Delegate group management
Allow users to request the access they need and empower resource or group owners to approve or deny those requests via automated workflows.
Netwrix GroupID
Find out how Netwrix GroupID can help you improve security and productivity.