There’s More to Records Management Software than Just the Platform
Whether you are adopting new records management software or looking to enhance your current one, you are facing some common challenges. In particular, you need to ensure that your RMS does not store any misfiled information and no records are missing. Otherwise, compliance audits will be a nightmare, the legal department won’t give you a break and users will become frustrated searching for the data they need. Take back control with Netwrix Data Classification. It can automatically classify digital documents, declare them as records consistently and accurately, and route them directly into your records management platform, so you can meet legal and regulatory requirements, increase employee efficiency and finally get home on time for a change.
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Do electronic records management right, across your entire enterprise
As your organization grows, so does its data — but not the staff that manages it. But requiring users to classify data and declare records manually isn’t a way out of this pickle. You’ll be constantly forced to deal with the aftermath of users just choosing the first option in the drop-down, and you’ll have no way to be sure that records are archived or purged according to the required policies and procedures. You need a better way, and Netwrix Data Classification is here to help.