Netwrix helps you COMply with pci dss
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The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) was developed to encourage and enhance cardholder data security and facilitate the global adoption of consistent data security measures. It consists of 12 sections of technical and operational requirements and over 200 controls focused on the security of credit card data.

PCI DSS is mandated by the card brands and administered by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council. It applies to all entities involved in payment card processing, including merchants, processors, acquirers, issuers, and service providers. It also applies to all other entities that store, process, or transmit account data, which includes both cardholder data (CHD) and sensitive authentication data (SAD). Failure to comply with PCI DSS can result in fines, loss of reputation, and inability to accept major credit cards.

How does Netwrix help you comply?

As one of the leading cybersecurity solution vendors and providers, Netwrix aims to enable organizations with all the necessary tools to govern, identify, detect, protect, respond, and recover from data breaches be it caused by user, data, or infrastructure-related security gaps.

Our solutions aim to aid security professionals in their Risk Assessment, Threat Identification, and Incident Management efforts by minimizing the cybersecurity impacts, identifying their nature, narrowing their scope, pinpointing their exact timing, and protecting the organization’s most valued assets.

Identity Governance and Administration

About Netwrix Identity and Access Management

To secure your data, you need to secure your identities. With a complete suite of IGA solutions, Netwrix can help you implement a zero-trust approach to reduce risks, increase productivity, and streamline compliance.
Netwrix IGA mapping

Privileged Access Management

About Netwrix Privileged Access Management

A whopping 74% of data breaches start with privileged credential abuse. Stop leaving privileges available for attackers to compromise and insiders to misuse. Instead, discover standing privileged accounts and replace them with temporary, on-demand access with the Netwrix Privileged Access Management solution.
Netwrix PAM mapping

Netwrix Data Access Governance

About Netwrix Data Access Governance

The Netwrix Data Access Governance solution package enables organizations to minimize the likelihood of a data breach by identifying their most critical data, limiting the number of accounts with access rights, and maintaining this state for ongoing information security. Through the use of Netwrix Data Access Governance organizations can expand visibility over risks regarding sensitive data, minimize security risks by limiting access to sensitive data, curb the impact of security incidents, and speed up recovery from security incidents.
Netwrix DAG mapping
for PCI DSS 

Information Governance Software

About Netwrix Information Governance Software

Experts estimate that by 2025, 463 exabytes (463 quintillion bytes!) of data will be created each day globally. This exponential growth makes it difficult for organizations to understand and properly protect their data and comply with increasingly stringent data protection regulations. With the Netwrix information governance solution, you can reclaim control over your data and make your information governance policies work.
Netwrix IGS mapping

Active Directory Security

About Netwrix Active Directory Security

The Netwrix Active Directory security solution helps organizations to secure their Active Directory from end to end — from identifying and mitigating security gaps, detecting and responding to threats, and recovering quickly from security incidents all the way to minimize downtime and business impact.
Netwrix ADS mapping