2022 Access Reviews Analytical Note
Netwrix asked 590 IT pros whether and how they review user access permissions. The survey found that 90% of organizations either already periodically review access entitlements or plan to start doing so within 3 years. We also asked about benefits of a dedicated tool for this process.
of organizations either already periodically review access entitlements or plan to start doing so within the nearest 3 years
of respondents admit that they perform access reviews not only manually but on their own, without involving business users at all
of those who have a dedicated tool for reviewing user access rights named risk reduction as the biggest benefit
of organizations either already periodically review access entitlements or plan to start doing so within the nearest 3 years
of respondents admit that they perform access reviews not only manually but on their own, without involving business users at all
of those who have a dedicated tool for reviewing user access rights named risk reduction as the biggest benefit
Content in this issue
- In short: does your organization conduct periodic review of user access rights?
- Manual VS automated entitlement reviews
- Risk reduction and time savings are the biggest benefits of a dedicated tool
- Diagrams: Access review conducting by organization size