2024 Hybrid Security Trends Report

2024 Hybrid Security Trends Report

Remote and hybrid work, along with business needs for flexibility and cost efficiency, keep driving cloud adoption. To track the evolution of the IT security landscape, Netwrix Research Lab surveyed 1,309 IT professionals from 104 countries via an online questionnaire and compared the results with historical data from 2023, 2022, and 2020. Netwrix security researchers commented on identified trends to help organizations strategize their security efforts.


of organizations suffered a cyberattack within the last 12 months, up from 68% in 2023.


of attacked organizations faced unplanned expenses to address security gaps.


of respondents name employee mistakes or negligence as the main challenge in ensuring data security.

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Content in this issue

2024 Hybrid Security Trends Report
  • IT architecture
  • Security challenges
  • Security incidents
  • Cyberattack consequences
  • Threat actors
  • Current security measures
  • Plans for future security measures
  • IT priorities
  • Cyber insurance