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Enhance security and IT productivity with automated user management

Ensuring that each user has only the right access is critical to maintaining user productivity and avoiding data breaches. But managing users manually is extremely labor intensive and highly error prone. Netwrix GroupID empowers you to automate and delegate user provisioning and deprovisioning across Active Directory & Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) to enhance security while reducing IT workload.

Automate user provisioning and deprovisioning in Active Directory and Entra ID 
Keep your Active Directory and Entra ID users up to date with automated provisioning and deprovisioning from an authoritative source like your HRIS.
Save time and avoid errors by linking identity stores
Automatically apply changes to users made in one directory to the same users in a linked identity store — without the need for a synchronization tool.  
Reduce security risks with access approval workflows
Use automated workflows to enable users to request the access they need and empower resource owners or managers to approve or deny those requests.  
Streamline lifecycle management with attestation workflows
Utilize a scheduled workflow to require regular review and attestation of the active status of your users so you can keep the only the ones you still need.
Automate user provisioning in applications with SCIM support
Automatically provision users in applications based on their group memberships using the SCIM protocol.

Comprehensive user management that boosts
security and productivity

Netwrix GroupID simplifies user management in Active Directory and Entra ID by automating lifecycle management and empowering business owners to control access to their own resources. As a result, you can enhance security while increasing IT productivity.
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Automate user provisioning and deprovisioning
Automatically provision and deprovision users in Active Directory and Entra ID by syncing data in bulk from an authoritative source like your HRIS platform.
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Instantly reflect changes to users across directories
Have changes made to users in one directory automatically reflected in near real time to a linked identity store — without any third-party connector
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Automate user provisioning in apps
with SCIM support
Automate the provisioning and deprovisioning of users in SCIM-supported applications based on group memberships.
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Streamline user lifecycle enforcement with attestation workflows
Require users to regularly attest to their active status so you can disable any accounts that are no longer needed to enhance security and compliance
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Reduce it workload with access workflows
Allow users to request the access they need and empower resource owners or managers to easily approve or deny those requests.
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Save time with self-service password reset
Reduce user frustration and slash helpdesk workload by enabling users to securely reset their own passwords. 
Netwrix GroupID User Management
Learn more about how Netwrix GroupID can help you automate and delegate user management in Active Directory and Entra ID.