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Satisfy Data Subject Access Requests Faster and More Efficiently with DSAR Software

Data subject access requests (DSAR) put more and more pressure on organizations around the world, given recent privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, with additional regulations on the way. Besides, as more individuals become aware of their rights, it’s not a question of "if", but "when", the flow of DSARs will grow dramatically. If you are not ready to respond, be prepared for more work, increased costs, significant penalties, and the loss of your customers’ trust. But there is a way to ease the burden – arm your organization with DSAR solution from Netwrix and handle requests more easily and with less expense.
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For privacy and compliance executives

Orchestrate fast fulfillment of data subject requests to save time and budget and build trust in your business

Automate DSAR searches and keep costs down
The cost for managing DSARs increased by up to 74% during 2019, according to the 2020 Data Risk & Security Report. As the number of requests continues to grow, the cost of handling them will quickly become untenable unless you take action promptly. Free up budget for your long-term strategic projects by automating the process of finding and exporting personal information associated with an individual.
Delegate request processing and make sure your organization fulfills its privacy obligations
Arm your team with a fast and easy way to handle DSARs while keeping abreast of the progress of each case yourself, so you can ensure your organization satisfies all its data privacy commitments. See the status of all cases at a glance and receive alerts about their progress.
Reduce the risk of data privacy violations by proactively securing information
It’s essential to be able to locate personal data upon request, but that is not enough to ensure data confidentiality. What if an auditor finds overexposed information? Or worse, the media finds and damages your reputation irreparably. Don’t wait for an incident to ensure that personal data is stored only in secure locations. Instead, proactively uncover and remediate overexposed data with automated workflows.
Earn customer trust and enjoy a good business reputation by securing personal data
Individuals are increasingly aware of their privacy rights. If they are unsure about your ability to keep their personal information safe, they will take their business elsewhere. Know exactly where personal information about your clients, employees, customers and other individuals is stored, and be ready to provide or delete it promptly upon request.
For privacy and compliance teams

Find and export personal information in a few clicks

Deal with more requests in less time

Manually crawling through your various repositories to find all the personal information you store about an individual is not a scalable way to satisfy DSARs; it’s a guaranteed recipe for lots of stress and late nights at work. Since privacy regulations impose strict deadlines, you need a way to handle requests efficiently. Quickly discover and collect personal information across your various data stores, even as the trickle of DSARs turns into a flood.
For IT managers

Empower non-IT teams to handle DSARs themselves so you can stay focused on your primary tasks


See how Netwrix helps organizations ensure data privacy and achieve compliance

Horizon Leisure Centers satisfies data subject access requests in minutes and complies with the GDPR, saving £80,000 annually.
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By accurately discovering personal information, Promocil achieves GDPR compliance and allocates its security budget more efficiently.
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