Netwrix data classification for
Oracle Database
Reveal the true value of data in your Oracle Database
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Know what data you store and unlock its full value with Oracle data discovery and classification software
The vast majority of enterprise sensitive data is stored in databases. You know it — and you’re keenly aware that that auditors and hackers know it, too. Reduce your anxiety level by enhancing your control over the information stored in your Oracle Database and the outdated or proprietary CMS and DNS systems running on it, and transforming the raw data into new insights for the business. Explore the ways the Netwrix data classification product can help you.
Automate data classification
Stop spending your time on the grunt work of fixing the inconsistencies inevitable with manual classification. Let the software automatically find and classify all your database records in a logical and consistent manner.
Rely on accurate semantic analysis
Enhance data discovery across your databases. Get more accurate results by relying on trustworthy technology that’s not limited to simple RegEx and keyword matching and semantic analysis.
Hit the ground running with predefined taxonomies
Start getting value right away with out-of-the-box classification rules that find data regulated by the GDPR, PCI DSS and other standards. Easily locate all sensitive information so you can make sure it is secured properly.
Make taxonomy management an easy task
Give business users a simple, intuitive interface where they can create taxonomies and adjust them to the specific requirements of your business. Eliminate the need to pay for costly professional services or bother busy IT pros with these tasks.
Supplement your data with highly accurate tags
Enrich your database records with highly accurate tags. Help users find any information they need across numerous systems relying on structured data, and improve the effectiveness of your other database security solutions.
Always work with the latest information
Get better insights by enabling users to work with updated information. With incremental indexing, they don’t have to wait for lengthy processing each time data is added or a rule is updated.

Learn more about the capabilities of Netwrix Data Classification; and how it can help you address your data security, content optimization and compliance challenges.