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Frustrate hackers, satisfy auditors and delight users with password policy enforcer from Netwrix

Leaked and weak passwords remain a gaping hole in IT networks, making it far too easy for attackers to gain the foothold they need to steal sensitive data, damage systems and unleash ransomware. Unfortunately, native Windows tools often cannot deliver the detailed configurations and rules required for modern password policies, leaving IT teams struggling to keep up with the changing threat landscape and evolving compliance requirements. Meanwhile, user productivity suffers and IT helpdesks are swamped as users grapple with unclear requirements for new passwords. Learn how Netwrix Password Policy Enforcer can help you achieve truly effective password enforcement without all the hassles.

Easily enforce strong passwords with flexible policies and powerful rules.
Minimize the risk of your Active Directory user accounts being compromised due to stolen or weak passwords. Choose among dozens of strong, detailed password policies, both on premises and in the cloud. Quickly tailor the policies to meet your unique needs with highly customizable rules, leaked password checking, and granular control over what constitutes a valid new password using character substitution detection, bidirectional analysis, wildcard analysis and more.
Meet today’s requirements — and be ready for tomorrow’s.
Make password compliance a breeze by using out-of-the-box policy templates based on CIS, HIPAA, NERC CIP, NIST and PCI DSS. Equally important, get the agility you need to ensure you can quickly modify your policies to meet new requirements, thoroughly test the changes to ensure they meet your needs, and deploy them seamlessly, both on premises and in the cloud.
Stop letting password management drag down the productivity of IT teams and business users.
Reduce the headaches and administrative overhead of password policy enforcement by empowering IT administrators to easily enforce multiple strong password policies for regular and privileged users, and giving them the agility to respond quickly to new requirements. Reduce user frustration and helpdesk burden by helping users choose compliant new passwords, proactively reminding them about impending password expiration and providing them with feedback on the password quality.

Balance security and user productivity with a
flexible Active Directory password policy enforcer

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Create powerful yet flexible password policies
Meet even complex password policy requirements using up to 256 local and domain password policies assigned to users, domain groups and organizational units. Easily build exactly the policies you need by choosing from 20+ highly customizable rules.
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Thwart credential stuffing, dictionary and other brute-force attacks
Prevent use of passwords you consider weak with control over character substitution, bidirectional analysis, match tolerance and more. Search hundreds of millions of leaked password hashes in a matter of milliseconds and automatically block their use.
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Achieve and maintain regulatory compliance
Create compliant password policies with confidence by using out-of-the box templates for CIS, HIPAA, NERC CIP, NIST and PCI DSS. Maintain compliance by using the integrated policy testing to identify and correct configuration issues. Easily revise your policy as password requirements change or new regulations come online.
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Be up and running faster than you thought possible
Deploy in minutes or hours, not days, thanks to a simple Quick Start wizard. Easily build the right password policies for your organization by simply tailoring the intuitive built-in rules.
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Empower users to focus on their jobs, not their passwords
Help users choose compliant passwords by showing them the password policy and explaining any rejections. Avoid lockouts by reminding users to change their passwords.
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Make the transition easy and appealing
Ease users into stronger password policies by allowing partial compliance. Drive adoption by rewarding those who choose long passwords with not having to change them as often as users who opt for shorter passwords.
Netwrix Password Policy Enforcer
Learn more about how small businesses and enterprises alike can improve the security of their passwords with Netwrix Password Policy Enforcer.
FAQ Image
How is the product licensed?
Netwrix Password Policy Enforcer has a subscription licensing model based on Active Directory user accounts, not domains or DCs.
How quickly will I start getting value?
Almost immediately! Deployment takes just minutes or hours, and setting up a basic strong password policy involves simply stepping through the predefined rules and choosing the settings that meet your needs. You can make the rules more complex and add more password policies at any time.
Will the solution affect my core systems or system performance?
Netwrix Password Policy Enforcer is a non-intrusive solution with low latency and no noticeable impact on server performance. It can search hundreds of millions of leaked password hashes in a millisecond, and its dictionary rule is hundreds of times more efficient than competing products. Moreover, it has a small footprint that does not affect Group Policy and AD schema.
Is it secure?
All your password information is stored on premises for maximum privacy and security.
My organization is very large. Will the solution work for us?
Netwrix Password Policy Enforcer scales easily to meet the needs of organizations with hundreds of thousands of users. You can enforce up to 256 local and domain password policies, which can be assigned to users, domain groups and OUs, giving you the flexibility and power required to satisfy even the most complex security and compliance requirements.