Active Directory Security Identity & Access Management

[Product Training] Secure Active Directory Identity Infrastructure

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About the Webinar

This Cyber Security Boot Camp webinar series will help you develop expertise in defending your infrastructure, data and identities against cyber threats. You will learn tips and tricks that will help you ensure that your organization is more secure tomorrow than it is today. During each session we will look into specific areas and learn what we can do to improve the overall security posture.

As with all our customer success webinars, this session will be heavy on practical demonstrations that show how to use your Netwrix solutions to best achieve your goals.

Inappropriate access to systems, applications, and data creates additional security risk. Without efficient governance it becomes easy for threat actors to have unauthorized access to Active Directory and therefore sensitive data which can cause data loss and compliance failure.

Manually tracking what an employee has access to soon becomes a massive overhead on IT. Netwrix GroupID and Netwrix Usercube can help you ensure that user identities only have access to the systems, applications and data that is needed to support their function and reduce the risk of inconsistent policy application.

Watch this session to learn how to:

  • Automate entitlements through smart and dynamic group membership.
  • Provision and manage lifecycle of roles, identities, groups, and applications from HCM/HRIS systems.
  • Link identities between multiple identity stores including SCIM applications, Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, Google Workspace, LDAP, and more.
  • Delegate ownership control of lists, groups, teams, and applications to business stake holders.
  • Set policies for join and leave to users with oversite by stake holders.
  • Manage certification campaigns to ensure accuracy and attestation of membership by accountable individuals to maintain the integrity of the Directory.
Megan Barnash avatar
Megan Barnash,
Sr. Technical Training Designer
Jonathan Blackwell avatar
Jonathan Blackwell,
Director of Engineering
Maurice Lethbridge  avatar
Maurice Lethbridge,
Solutions Engineer