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Netwrix Auditor for
SQL Server

Complete visibility into what's happening inside your Microsoft SQL Server

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SQL Server Auditing with Netwrix Auditor

Netwrix Auditor for SQL Server provides actionable intelligence about your Microsoft SQL Server, including who has access to what, who’s logging in and what critical changes are being made.  Conduct regular SQL Server auditing to mitigate the risk of privilege abuse, prove IT compliance and maintain high availability of your databases.

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Captures all SQL Server configuration changes based on your server audit specification, such as SQL server instance deletions or permissions updates, and provides the actionable who, what, when and where details and before and after values.

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Helps you clearly understand who has access to what in SQL Server and how those permissions were granted, so you can close security gaps in time to prevent a data breach or compliance finding.

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Monitors changes to database content and objects as specified in your database audit specification and its audit action groups to help you improve overall SQL database auditing and your organization’s security posture.

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Facilitates SQL Server security auditing by reporting on both successful and failed attempts to log into your SQL Server with either Windows or SQL authentication, so you can quickly spot unauthorized access and possible attacks.

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Empowers you to secure your data and prevent system downtime by notifying you about critical events that require your immediate attention, such as unauthorized database access and changes to permissions.

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Augments SQL audit logs by providing comprehensive predefined reports and dashboards with filtering, sorting and exporting capabilities. Email subscriptions automate report generation and delivery.

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Enables you to quickly sort through the SQL Server audit trail and fine-tune your search criteria until you find the information you need. Save your searches as custom reports and have them delivered to you on schedule.

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Enables you to identify high-risk user accounts at a glance by providing a single view of all anomalous activity across your critical systems, both on premises and in the cloud.

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SQL security and compliance

Slashes time spent preparing for compliance audits with predefined reports mapped to PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, SOX, GLBA, FISMA/NIST, CJIS and other regulatory standards.

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Non-intrusive architecture

Enables you to audit SQL Server changes and logons without agents so the MS SQL auditing process never degrades performance or causes downtime.

Simplify IT compliance and maximize server security by conducting a comprehensive audit in SQL Server

To protect your SQL Server, you need to quickly find answers to security-related questions such as these: Who created a new schema object? Which server database properties were altered? Who has access to databases containing sensitive data? Who changed the database roles in SQL Server? Unlike most SQL Server auditing tools, Netwrix Auditor helps you answer these questions promptly — and also proactively improve security to prevent incidents and downtime.

Untangle SQL permissions to minimize the risk of a data breach

Know exactly who has what access to your SQL Server databases and tables that contain critical, sensitive or regulated data. Identify and revoke excessive permissions to reduce the risk of a breach and pass audits with fewer findings. 

Detect threat actors with ongoing SQL Server auditing

It is not possible to establish 24x7 SQL auditing of all user activity and spot unauthorized actions using just native application, system and security logs. The SQL Server auditing software from Netwrix enables you to quickly spot all malicious actions, such as failed connection attempts, a drop of a table and changes to database-level permissions, so you can respond in time to prevent real damage.

Investigate security incidents faster and more efficiently

Use the SQL Server audit tool from Netwrix to examine suspicious DBA activity on your SQL Server. Drill down into each sequence of audit events, such as server role changes and database removals, to find out how the whole attack unfolded, and use your findings to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Slash time and efforts for compliance audits preparation

Compliance auditors often ask for specific details that are not easy to extract from the native SQL Server audit logs. You don’t have to spend days writing PowerShell scripts and consolidating audit data to satisfy these requests. Quickly respond to auditors’ questions with the Google-like search, and provide clear evidence of your IT compliance with the reports mapped to specific controls of PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR and other regulations.

Netwrix Auditor for SQL Server

Read how Netwrix Auditor for SQL Server helps you secure your databases and pass compliance audits with less effort and expense.

Download Datasheet (.pdf)
Netwrix Auditor for SQL Server

Discover the top 5 SQL Server incidents you need complete visibility into, and improve your IT security with Netwrix Auditor’s actionable intelligence.

Download Free Guide (.pdf)
"We have a lot of people who touch SQL. Before Netwrix Auditor, we were not aware of all permissions that were out there, which permissions were changed, who changed configuration files and things like that. Netwrix Auditor removes lots of gaps."
SQL Server Auditing with Netwrix Auditor testimonial icon
Hercu Rabsatt,
Director of Infrastructure & Service Management, Mansfield Oil

Deploy Netwrix Auditor wherever you need it

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On Premises

Download a free 20-day trial of Netwrix Auditor and deploy it on Microsoft SQL Server.

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Download our virtual appliance and start using Netwrix Auditor without having to provision any hardware or software.

SQL Server Auditing for data security and compliance

Auditing SQL Server configuration and content changes is essential to maintaining data security and proving compliance with government and industry regulations. Netwrix Auditor for SQL Server is SQL Server audit software that enables DBAs to track changes made to database and server configuration and detect unauthorized or suspicious activity that could result in unsanctioned access to the data.

SQL Server Change Tracking with Netwrix Auditor for SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is essential to your business. But it’s an incredibly dynamic system: data, server configurations, security settings, databases and tables can all change on a daily basis, making it hard to keep track of changes and ensure accountability, especially in environments managed by multiple DBAs and operators. Therefore, efficient SQL Server change tracking is critical. Netwrix Auditor for SQL Server enables you to stay on top of what’s going on across your SQL servers in a productive and convenient way.

Complementing SQL Server Monitoring Tools with Netwrix Auditor’s Security Intelligence

Administrators responsible for day-to-day operations of SQL Server must ensure not only the efficiency of SQL Server monitoring and high database performance, but also that its configurations — and all subsequent changes — align with IT security policies, so no risks can jeopardize sensitive information. Netwrix Auditor for SQL Server complements your SQL Server monitoring tools by delivering visibility into SQL activity that facilitates stable server performance, stronger data security and easier root cause analysis of security issues across the entire SQL ecosystem. Plus, its extensive activity tracking and reporting capabilities simplify control over the SQL Server environment and make compliance checks less painful.

Insightful SQL Server Reporting from a Comprehensive Solution

Keeping an eye on activity inside SQL Server using only native tools can be challenging for any DBA. Without a proper reporting and analytics tool that can present audit data analysis in a human-readable format, be ready to spend your valuable time writing Transact-SQL scripts and manually sifting through an endless number of events. Netwrix’s SQL reporting software provides detailed reports and dashboards that go far beyond native auditing, bringing more insight into each action across your critical databases, so you can more easily spot threats and better safeguard your data. In addition, the solution significantly simplifies reporting processes, speeds investigations and facilitates root cause analysis, and stores your audit trail in a cost-efficient storage.

Automatic Collection and Storage of SQL Server Audit Trail

Many organizations are required to keep SQL Server audit data for years, either for further review and in-house investigations, or to address auditors’ questions at future compliance audits. To manage audit events, you can leverage native auditing tools, such as SQL Server Management Studio. This tool can help you create triggers, manage database objects (DBOs), make your own schemas, and define database audit specification objects — provided you know Transact-SQL. And you can use other native tools to write SQL Server object access events to the Windows Security log. But archiving your ever-growing SQL Server audit trail for the long term can be a challenge, and native tools don’t provide the reporting you need. Netwrix Auditor for SQL Server eliminates these stresses by automating data collection and safely storing your audit trail for many years, while also providing the comprehensive reporting you need.

Tracking Down Changes to SQL Server Permissions for Stronger Security

Because a large number of actions take place on SQL Server on a daily basis, illicit actions — such as unwarranted changes to database objects, securables, or database principles, a failed attempt to create the DBO schema, or an unauthorized login — can easily go unnoticed. Similarly, if a user is granted a new server role or this user’s mapping was changed, you need to know immediately. Netwrix Auditor for SQL Server helps you stay on top of the changes to SQL Server permissions by delivering actionable intelligence so that you can efficiently shield your critical assets.

Auditing logins across SQL servers to safeguard your critical assets

To ensure that the sensitive data stored in your database tables is well secured, you need to keep an eye on all successful and failed logins to your SQL servers, including when each access attempt occurred and who is accountable for it. By enabling strong SQL Server login auditing, you can quickly spot suspicious login attempts and trace logs of unauthorized access events, thereby toughening your SQL Server security and preventing your critical data from being compromised.

Overcoming the Limitations of SQL Server Trace and Bringing More Analysis from Netwrix Auditor

To get detailed data about events happening in your databases and applications, you can use SQL Server default trace in Microsoft Transact-SQL. As an alternative, to enable security audit, you can also use SQL Server Profiler, which collects activity across your SQL servers in real time. Either way, be ready to manually crawl through piles of events to determine the root cause of a problem. Netwrix Auditor for SQL Server completes the information delivered by your SQL Server default trace with actionable details, out-of-the-box reporting, and a Google-like search capability so that you can identify abnormal activity faster and efficiently secure your critical assets.

Proving Microsoft SQL Server Compliance with Less Effort and Stress

Is your organization obliged to adhere to regulatory compliance requirements? Do you worry about the security of your sensitive data and then prove at your next security compliance check that your data is safe? Stress no more about how you can efficiently find evidence of your SQL Server compliance by complementing your database management solutions with streamlined reporting and deep insight into every change and access event. Netwrix Auditor for SQL Server delivers ready-to-use reports that have all the details you need to address auditors’ requests. Plus, you can store your SQL Server audit trail securely for years and easily access it whenever an auditor knocks at your door.

Tracking SQL Server Login Statistics to Detect Privilege Abuse and Prevent Breaches

Many organizations rely on SQL Server databases to store highly sensitive information, such as electronic health records or credit card data. An unauthorized or unnecessary access to these tables and lists of data can jeopardize security and compliance, so it’s vital for database administrators to keep an eye on SQL Server login history. The activity log needs to include when each login occurred, and exactly what actions each user performed. This pervasive visibility helps you detect possible privilege abuse, minimize the risk of data breaches and ensure that your data is accessed only when there is an approved business need.

Staying on Top of Malicious Database Activity with SQL Server Alerts

If someone tries to access or delete sensitive data that resides in your Microsoft SQL Server databases, you need to know about it as soon as possible. Even a simple modification to a critical table or row can lead to data distortion or loss that could disrupt your business. While regular monitoring of logs can help you stay aware of what’s going on in your database, it won’t enable you to respond immediately the way SQL alerts do. Netwrix Auditor provides predefined alerts on threat patterns and enables you to easily create custom alerts as well. Simply specify one or more recipients for each alert and choose the notification method you prefer: email or SMS. The alerts provide detailed, easy-to-understand event descriptions to enable quick, effective response.

Maintaining Reliable SQL Server Database Audit

DBAs need to ensure that they are aware of what is happening on their Microsoft SQL Server databases, because any improper change or access event could result in a breach or database unavailability. By enabling SQL Server audit log collection, they can audit events that occur on their databases and instances of SQL Server, continuously review audit data, and more quickly detect suspicious activity that could put database security at risk. Netwrix Auditor for SQL Server enables reliable SQL Server database audit — saving you time on reporting while delivering deep insights that help you spot and investigate threats before it’s too late.

Efficient SQL Server Reporting to Spot Insider Threats Faster

Can you be sure that no unwarranted Microsoft SQL Server change or login has gone under your radar? Since any misuse of privileges by a DBA or system administrator could lead to downtime, data loss or compliance failures, you need to keep tabs on SQL Server activity. One option is to use SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS); however, you’ll have to manually write queries and pore through cryptic data from various data sources. Netwrix Auditor for SQL Server, on the other hand, will streamline your SQL Server reporting by delivering easy-to-read reports enriched with all the necessary details, such as who performed each action and when and where it happened, so you can stay on top of SQL Server activity and identify insider threats before they lead to serious problems for the business.