- Open the PowerShell ISE → Run the following script, adjusting the directory path:
$Path = '\\PDC\Shared\Accounting' #define path to folders to find duplicate files
$Files=gci -File -Recurse -path $Path | Select-Object -property FullName,Length
ForEach ($SourceFile in $Files)
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Files" -status "Processing File $Count / $TotalFiles" -PercentComplete ($Count / $TotalFiles * 100)
$MatchingFiles=$Files |Where-Object {$_.Length -eq $SourceFile.Length}
Foreach ($TargetFile in $MatchingFiles)
if (($SourceFile.FullName -ne $TargetFile.FullName) -and !(($MatchedSourceFiles |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty File) -contains $TargetFile.FullName))
Write-Verbose "Matching $($SourceFile.FullName) and $($TargetFile.FullName)"
Write-Verbose "File sizes match."
if ((fc.exe /A $SourceFile.FullName $TargetFile.FullName) -contains "FC: no differences encountered")
Write-Verbose "Match found."
if ($MatchingFiles.Count -gt 0)
- Review the results:
![Powershell duplicate files report](https://img.netwrix.com/howtos/powershell_duplicate_files_report.png)
- Run Netwrix Auditor → Navigate to "Reports" → Click "File Servers" → Choose "File Servers - State-in-Time" → Select "Duplicate Files" → Click "View".
- Specify the appropriate path in the "Object UNC Path" filter.
- Click "View Report".
To save the report, click the "Export" button → Select a format, such as PDF or CSV → Click "Save as" → Choose a location to save it.
![Netwrix Auditor Duplicate Files Report: shows files the same name and size.](https://img.netwrix.com/howtos/netwrix_auditor_duplicate_files_report.jpg)